[Writing Prompt] Please Share Your Opinion: List of Interview Questions

29 Dec 2021

Example: “Re: Automation, AI, and the Future of Jobs“ [You may delete this when answering]

Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts! Would you like to take a stab at answering some of these questions? The link for the template is HERE.

HackerNoon Reporter: Please state the link of the article you are reviewing:

What is your opinion regarding this piece?

What are some of the varying perspectives on this subject that you’re aware of? [Example: if some people are pro, why are they pro? If some people are against, why are they against?]

What are some of the nuances people frequently miss when discussing this subject matter?

What is your favourite quote or paragraph from this article? Why?

Was there a part of the article that you didn’t necessarily think about before, what was it?

Is there anything else about this you’d like us to know? [Trends, future, concerns, hopes… etc.]

Would you like to take a stab at answering some of these questions? The link for the template is HERE, just start writing! Interested in what others had to say in their answers? Click HERE. Interested in reading the content from all of our writing prompts? Click HERE.