[Writing Prompt] How to Get a Job in Tech Interview: List of Questions

29 Dec 2021

Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts! Would you like to take a stab at answering some of these questions? The link for the template is HERE.

While this template is automatic, our interest in the answers below is genuine and our human editors (and some cyborg wannabes) will review it before publishing.

P.S. Feel free to add a featured image of choice.

What is your current position?

[Add your answers here]

How long have you been working in tech?

What is your educational background? (It’s perfectly okay if you don’t have a formal one)

Have you ever had a mentor? If yes, we’d like to know more about it.

What was the best piece of advice you got over the course of your career?

How relevant was self-learning to where you are today?

Knowing what you do now, where do you think one should start learning if they want to work in your position one day?

What is the work-related achievement you’re the most proud of?

What do you think is the biggest myth about starting a career in tech?

On a less serious note: What do you listen to while working?

Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us more about your career path. Any words of wisdom for aspiring techies?

Would you like to take a stab at answering some of these questions? The link for the template is HERE, just start writing! Interested in what others had to say in their answers? Click HERE. Interested in reading the content from all of our writing prompts? Click HERE.