The Good Company Interview: Questions for HackerNoon Sponsors & Brands

23 Sept 2021

Welcome to Hacker Noon Good-Company Interview Series! See all other Interviews here.

If you are a Hacker Noon Sponsor or Brand as Author, feel free to answer these questions yourself here.

HackerNoon Reporter: Please tell us briefly about your background.

What's your company called? And in a sentence or two, what does it do?

What is the origin story?

What do you love about your team?

If you weren’t working at your company, what would you be doing?

At the moment, how do you measure success? What are your core metrics?

What’s most exciting about your company traction to date?

What technologies are you currently most excited about, and most worried about? And why?

What drew you to get published on HackerNoon? What do you like most about our platform?

What advice would you give to the 21-year-old version of yourself?

What is something surprising you've learned this year that your contemporaries would benefit from knowing?