Hello there Hacker,
If you're reading this, it means you’re likely a thinker, who likely enjoys musing over tech, as well as various societal trends -- you know-- if they relate to tech.
Below are some topics we recommend writing about for the sake of enjoying some intellectual stimulation this weekend:
If you're reading this, it means you’re likely a thinker, who likely enjoys musing over tech, as well as various societal trends -- you know-- if they relate to tech.
Below are some topics we recommend writing about for the sake of enjoying some intellectual stimulation this weekend:

- Will NFT Interoperability really become a thing? Do the cons outweigh the pros for gaming platforms? https://hackernoon.com/tech-isnt-the-barrier-to-nft-game-interoperability
- What do you think of Paywalls? https://hackernoon.com/are-paywalls-worth-it-heres-what-you-need-to-know
- Should more people get into streaming? https://hackernoon.com/how-much-do-twitch-streamers-and-youtubers-actually-make-from-donations
- Finally, should developers volunteer their free time at a non-profit? https://hackernoon.com/the-price-of-free-time-a-programmers-guide-to-helping-a-non-profit
Although these are the suggested topics, there are plenty of others on HackerNoon that we would love to have your opinion on.
Interested in getting started?
Here's what you need to do:
1.Log into your HackerNoon account: https://hackernoon.com/login
2.Use this link to automatically create an opinion template draft: https://app.hackernoon.com/new?template=opinion
(To read the question list before starting a draft follow this link: https://hackernoon.com/writing-prompt-please-share-your-opinion-list-of-interview-questions)
3.Write your heart out.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
The HackerNoon Team

Content is written/compiled by: Adebola Niran and Ellen Stevens.