Gamified Learning With An AI Board Game Tournament: Conclusion, Software and Data

3 Jul 2024


(1) Ken Hasselmann, ECAM Brussels School of engineering, Brussels, Belgium and Universite libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium;

(2) Quentin Lurkin, ECAM Brussels School of engineering, Brussels, Belgium.

Abstract and 1. Introduction

  1. Course design
  2. Course assessment
  3. Conclusion, Software and Data, Acknowledgements, and References

4. Conclusion

We have presented our design for an introductory course to AI and software engineering. The course involves group project-based learning and gamification through competition-based learning. The results of the course suggest that both project-based learning and gamification help motivate students and create a better learning experience through peer-based learning and the intrinsic motivation created by friendly competition.

We wish to conduct a formal teaching assessment campaign before next year’s edition of the course to confirm what our informal assessment has suggested about the students’ highly positive sentiment towards this course.

Software and Data

The tournament system software is available online (Lurkin, 2021) (documentation in french).


We thank the reviewers for their careful reading of our manuscript and their insightful comments and suggestions. We acknowledge the support of ECAM Brussels School of engineering.


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